
Pink Lady Apple, Rhubarb and Cinnamon Jam

Thursday, June 25th, 2009


When making jams, or anything really, it’s important to use fruits that are in season. This is both due to a better taste, but also reduced costs. So whist deciding to make my first ever jam, I checked on the fruits in season in Australia in June.

Two that caught my eye were pink lady apples (which I had accidentally bought a lot of, due to low prices) and rhubarb, which I don’t cook with often. I also thought it would be a very different jam to make, sort of emulating an apple and rhubarb pie.


For those who don’t like an extremely sweet jam, try this one, as it is a little on the tart side. For those who like a sweet jam, feel free to add another 200-400g sugar whilst cooking. I also didn’t realise how the fruit would act when cooking, I found the rhubarb fell apart quite quickly, whereas the apples held their shape quite well, making this a chunky jam. It could have easily been blended up at the end, or the apple pieces made a lot smaller for someone who likes a smooth jam.

I’m now looking forward to trying some new combinations and am (not so) patiently waiting for strawberries to come into season and be a reasonable price… or even more waiting for our strawberry plants to start bearing good fruit, now that they are off our balcony and can get proper sunlight.


Pink Lady Apple, Rhubarb and Cinnamon Jam
Makes: 2 x 500-600g jars

380g Rhubarb, diced
400g Pink Lady apples, diced quite small
400g sugar (or more if you like it sweeter)
120ml water
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ packet (25g) JamSetta (this is a pectin based Jam setting product that can be bought in Australian supermarkets – other people may need to test out jam setting sugar or other pectin products)

Place rhubarb, apple, sugar, cinnamon and water in a very large saucepan.


Bring to the boil, reduce heat and simmer for 40 minutes.


Add Jamsetta and bring to the boil, cook for 5 minutes (be careful as the jam starts to spit out of the pot). Pour into warm sterilised jars. (See here on good tips to sterilise jars). Make sure both the jam and jars are hot.


