Natalia of Gatti Fili e Farina challenges us to make a traditional Savarin, complete with soaking syrup and cream filling! We were to follow the Savarin recipe but were allowed to be creative with the soaking syrup and filling, allowing us to come up with some very delicious cakes
I have never tried a Savarin, so it’s hard to tell how close I came to bought one. I was very happy with how the Savarin rose, especially as mine was a little to moist and therefore hard to knead and handle. It came out of the oven and looked like a big doughnut, or perhaps a brioche.
The soaking syrup that was suggested was a peach one, with peach tea and juice. It came off the stove and smelled and tasted lovely. So we soaked the Savarin for whilst we ate dinner, then I served it for dessert. It hadn’t soaked all the way through, so part of the slice was dryish and the other part soaking, which I didn’t really enjoy, and unfortunately neither did anyone else.
The next day the liquid had traveled to the bottom of the savarin, although no one really wanted any more, so we ended up throwing out three quarters of the Savarin. I think the unsoaked Savarin would have been lovely toasted with some honey or jam on it, although no one fancied the soaked one. I didn’t make the accompanying cream filling and fruit, as I was going to make the pastry cream the next day, or serve with fresh cream. This combination may have made the serving more like a trifle, although I find even trifles don’t have sponge which tastes like this.
I haven’t included the recipe as I wouldn’t make this again, noting that I haven’t tried one previously and am not sure what a Savarin should taste like.